Full-time lecturers


Prof. Ronit Ricci

On sabbatical until October 2022

Prof. Ronit Ricci's research interests include Indonesian history and culture, Javanese and Malay manuscript literatures, Translation Studies, Islamic literary traditions in South and Southeast Asia, and exile and diaspora in colonial Asia.

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She has published articles and essays on these topics. Her book, Islam Translated: Literature, Conversion, and the Arabic Cosmopolis of South and Southeast Asia, won the 2012 Harry Benda Prize in Southeast Asian Studies and the 2013 American Academy of Religion's Best First Book in the History of Religions Award. Her current project is a study of the literary history of the Sri Lankan Malays

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Fuchs Portait

Prof. Simon Wolfgang Fuchs

Associate Prof. of Islam in South Asia

Simon Wolfgang Fuchs is interested in global Islamic connections, in particular between South Asia and the Middle East. His second book, In a Pure Muslim Land. Shi‘ism between Pakistan and the Middle East was published with the University of North Carolina Press in 2019 and received the inaugural book award of the South Asian Muslim Studies Association.

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He is currently working on a global history of the Iranian Revolution of 1978/79 for Princeton University Press.

After obtaining his PhD from the Department of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University in 2015, Dr. Fuchs was elected a Junior Research Fellow in Islamic Studies at Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge. From 2017 until 2023, he was a lecturer in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Freiburg. He is a member of the German Young Academy.


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Dr. Rotem Geva

Dr. Rotem Geva

Head of India & Indonesia Section
Graduate Program Advisor - India & Indonesia Section
Office hours: By Appointment Room 44612


I am a historian of South Asia with a focus on twentieth-century India. My research and teaching interests encompass nationalism and state formation, territorial partitions, urban history, colonialism and decolonization. I hold a joint appointment in the Department of Asian Studies and the History Department.

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I earned my PhD from the Department of History at Princeton University and my M.A. in anthropology from the New School for Social Research. My book, Delhi Reborn: Partition and Nation Building in India’s Capital (Stanford University Press, 2022), was shortlisted for the 2023 Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay Book Prize, sponsored by the New India Foundation. It delves into the history of Delhi during the late 1930s to the mid-1950s, examining the city’s transformation under the pressures of the Second World War and the partition of India. Bridging studies of high politics with the ground-level experience of partition, it shows what the politics of the nation-state meant in everyday life. My current project explores citizenship formation in the new republic. It centers on Delhi from decolonization to the suspension of democracy during the Emergency rule (1975-1977) and its restoration afterward. This research explores how different sections of urban society conceptualized, interpreted, and asserted citizenship in the new republic, shaping Indian democracy in the process.

I teach a range of courses, including the survey course “Introduction to Modern India” and seminars on colonialism, urban history, gender and caste, the Gandhian movements, the Cold War in South Asia, and the transnational history of twentieth-century partitions.



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Dr. Tami Groswald Ozery

Chinese Studies

A legal sinologist. Her work examines the relationships between law, politics, and economic development in contemporary China.


Prof. Orna Naftali

Associate Professor, China Section
Head of China Section
Office Hours (2023-24): Thur. 12:10-13:10. Humanities 44614

Research interests: Anthropology of modern and contemporary China, with a focus on children, youth, and education; women, gender, and the family; science and subjectivity; national identity, militarism, and the nation-state; rights and legal consciousness of children and youth in China. 

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I completed a BA in East Asian Studies with a China emphasis (The Hebrew University); an MA in Culture Research (Tel Aviv University); and an MA and a PhD in Anthropology (University of California, Santa Barbara). Straddling the disciplines of China Studies, Cultural Studies, and Anthropology, my work covers a range of topics relating to children, youth and education in China, including: the globalization of Chinese education; the interplay between changes in notions and practices of childrearing and education and the emergence of new conceptualizations of play, privacy and subjectivity in China; the rise of child psychology in contemporary urban China; and the development of a new Chinese discourse on children's rights and children's citizenship, a topic which was the focus of my first book, Children, Rights, and Modernity in China: Raising Self-Governing Citizens (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014). 

My second book, Children in China (2016, China Today series, Polity Press), provides an overview of the dramatic changes that have taken place in the lives of rural and urban Chinese children since the launch of economic reforms in 1978. Covering schooling, consumption, identity formation processes, family and peer relations among other aspects of children’s lives, the book explores the rise of new ideas of child-care, child-vulnerability and child-agency; the impact of the One-Child Policy; and the emergence of children as independent consumers in the new market economy.  It also demonstrates how economic restructuring and the recent waves of rural–urban migration have produced starkly unequal conditions for children’s education and welfare both in the countryside and in the cities.

My recent book, Mobilising China's One-Child Generation: Education, Nationalism and Youth Militarisation in the PRC (2024, Edinburgh University Press), draws on government, media, and educational sources and on data from ethnographic field projects conducted in 2012-2019 to trace the promotion - and contestation - of military values and techniques in Chinese education of the 2010s. It further explores the intersection between this development and the construction of nationalism, masculinities, and femininities in contemporary China.


Selected publications:

Naftali, Orna. 2024. "Schooling 'Soft-Spoken Boys' and 'Masculine Girls': Morality, Equality, and Difference in China's Gender Education." Nan Nü: Men, Women and Gender in China 26: 85-113

Naftali, Orna. 2022. "'Law Does Not Come Down from Heaven': Youth Legal Socialisation Approaches in Chinese Textbooks of the Xi Jinping Era." Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 51(2): 265–291

Naftali, Orna. 2021. "Celebrating Violence? Children, Youth, and War Education in Maoist China (1949-76)". Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 14 (2): 254-273

Naftali, Orna. 2021. "'Being Chinese Means Becoming Cheap Labour': Education, National Belonging, and Social Positionality among Youth in Contemporary China". The China Quarterly 245: 51–71

Naftali, Orna. 2021. "Youth Military Training in China: Learning to 'Love the Army'." Journal of Youth Studies 24 (10): 1340-1357



Teaching & Mentoring:

Teaching: At the Department of Asian Studies, I teach BA and MA courses on a range of issues related to Chinese culture and society, including: "Gender and Sexuality in the PRC"; "The State and the Family in Modern China"; "Class and Consumption in China; "The Anthropology of Contemporary Chinese Society"; “Internet and the Media in Contemporary China”; "Resistance and Protest in Contemporary China"; and "Research Methods of Modern Chinese Society and Politics".


Mentoring: I welcome inquiries from prospective MA and doctoral students interested in PRC social history and the anthropology of contemporary Chinese society, particularly in regards to children and youth; family, schooling and education; gender and sexuality; state-society relations; nationalism and militarization; children's rights and youth legal consciousness in the PRC (1949-present). 

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Prof. Dan Orbach

Graduate Program Advisor - Japan Section

Dr. Danny Orbach is a military historian.

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A graduate of Harvard University, he specializes in the study of coups d'etat, political assassinations and military disobedience. His last two books are The Plots against Hitler (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), a study of the anti-Nazi resistance in the German army, and Curse on this Country: The Rebellious Army of Imperial Japan (Cornell University Press), on the culture of insubordination in the Japanese Imperial Army and the roots of the Pacific War. Currently, he is studying military adventurism in the East Asian sphere in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He was also writing regularly for the media in Hebrew and in English on issues of military and political significance. His writing can be followed in his academia.edu page, in his blog, The Owl, and in his Amazon author page



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Prof. Nissim Otmazgin

Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
Professor, Department of Asian Studies
By appointment with Leah (Assistant Dean): humdean_office@savion.huji.ac.il

Prof. Nissim Otmazgin is a Full Professor at the Department of Asian Studies and currently the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Before that, he was the Chair of the Institute for Asian and African

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Studies, the Director of the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, and the Chair of the Department of Asian Studies. He was also a member of the Israeli Young Academy of Science and Humanities. 

Otmazgin's research interests include Japanese and Korean media industries, popular culture and regionalization in East Asia, Japan-Southeast Asian Relations, and cultural diplomacy in East Asia. His PhD dissertation (Kyoto University, 2007), which examines the export of Japan’s popular culture to Asia, won the Iue Asia Pacific Research Prize in October 2007 for outstanding dissertation on society and culture in Asia. As a part of this research, he conducted extensive fieldwork in Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, Bangkok, Taipei, and Seoul.

The author and co-editor of 8 books on contemporary culture and society in Asia, he has published articles in a number of international academic journals including International Relations of the Asia Pacific, Media, Culture & SocietyGlobal Policy, Inter-Asia Cultural studiesPacific AffairsContemporary Southeast AsiaAsia-Pacific ReviewKritika Kultura, Asian Perspective, Cross-CurrentsSituations, International Journal of Taiwan Studies, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Japan Focus, and Contemporary Japan.


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Prof. Yuri Pines

Head of Department of Asian Studies
Traditional and modern Chinese history, early Chinese thought, China's political culture

Prof. Yuri Pines 尤銳 is Michael W. Lipson Professor of Asian Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Guest Professor at Nankai University, Tianjin, China, and visiting professor at Beijing Normal University, China.

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His studies focus on early Chinese political thought, traditional Chinese political culture, origins of Chinese historiography, and sociopolitical history of pre-imperial China, particularly the state and empire of Qin. His major publications include The Everlasting Empire: Traditional Chinese Political Culture and Its Enduring Legacy (Princeton University Press, 2012); Envisioning Eternal Empire: Chinese Political Thought of the Warring States Era (University of Hawaii Press, 2009); Foundations of Confucian Thought: Intellectual Life in the Chunqiu Period, 722-453 B.C.E. (University of Hawaii Press, 2002). He co-authored (with Gideon Shelach and Yitzhak Shichor) 3-volumes All- under-Heaven: Imperial China (in Hebrew, Open University Press, 2011, 2013, forthcoming); co-edited together with Lothar von Falkenhausen, Gideon Shelach and Robin D.S. Yates the Birth of an Empire: The State of Qin revisited (University of California Press, 2014), and co-edited with Paul R. Goldin and Martin Kern the Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China (Brill, forthcoming 2015). In addition, he has several other edited and co-edited publications, and over 90 articles in scholarly journals and collected volumes.

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Prof. Gideon Shelach

Head of China Sector

Prof. Gideon Shelach is the Louis Freiberg Professor of East Asian Studies and the Chair of the Institute of African and Asian Studies, the Hebrew University.

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He hold a Ph.D. in archaeology from the University of Pittsburgh and since 1995 he is conducting archaeological field works in Northeast China. Currently he is heading the Fuxin Regional Archaeological Project in Liaoning province. Gideon published 8 books and more than 60 papers in leading academic journals (including Science, Antiquity, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology,Journal of Archaeological Science, and more, including academic journals in China). Among his recent books are: The Archaeology of China: From Prehistory to the Han Dynasty (Cambridge University Press, 2015); Prehistoric Societies on the Northern Frontiers of China: Archaeological Perspectives on Identity Formation and Economic Change during the First Millennium BCE (Equinox, 2009); Chifeng International Collaborative Archaeological Project (co-author, Pittsburgh 2011), The Birth of Empire: The State of Qin revisited (co-editor, University of California Press 2013).

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Dan Sherer

Dr. Dan Sherer

Japan Studies

Dan Sherer is a historian of Pre-Modern Japan, with a focus on the Sengoku period (roughly the 15th and 16th century). His research interests are primarily how smaller political entities of the time functioned and how they interacted with the powerful warrior regimes that ruled and fought over Japan at the time. A graduate of the University of Southern California, Dr. Sherer has been a researcher at the Tokyo University Historiographical Institute and a visiting fellow at the Kyoto Institute, Library and Archives (KILA).

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Dr. Sherer current project focuses on how the Kyoto temples of the Nichiren Buddhist sect survived the turbulent 16th century. This project utilizes the documents left behind by the Council of Head Temples, a governing body that allowed them to negotiate with the imperial court and powerful warriors as a unit, rather than temple by temple. This Council allowed them to see their way through one of the most violent periods in Japan’s history without taking up the sword themselves. Dr. Sherer has also published works on banditry and the history of Japanese conjuring.
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Dr. Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein

Korean Studies
Reception by appointment via E-mail
Dr Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein is a Senior Lecturer in the Asian Studies Department. His main research focus is North Korean society and history, with a special interest in surveillance, and social and political control, as well as state-society relations and North Korea’s markets. He received his PhD in History from University of Pennsylvania in 2021 with a dissertation about the historical evolution of surveillance in North Korea from the late-1950s till the present. He is also a Non-Resident Fellow at the Swedish Institute for International Affairs and at the Stimson Center’s program 38 North.
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He is frequently cited on North Korea and Korean affairs by international media outlets such as the BBC, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, The Economist, and many others. At Hebrew University, he teaches courses on Korean history, North Korean society and politics, and security issues in East Asia. 


Office phone: 02-5883910, cell: 050-5954885. Office hours: by appointment via email, benjamin.katzeffsilberstein@mail.huji.ac.il


Publications: "What's Up with North Korea's Skyrocketing Exchange Rates?", https://www.38north.org/2024/10/whats-up-with-north-koreas-skyrocketing-exchange-rates/


Co-editor: "Everyday Politics in North Korea," special issue of Asian Studies Review, vol. 28, 2024, issue 2, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10357823.2024.2312140. 


"The Red, Big Family: Utopian Surveillance in North Korean Cities," chapter in Pursuing Sustainable Urban Development in North Korea, ed. Pavel Em (London, UK: Routledge, 2024). 


"Strategies of Political Control under Kim Jong Un: Understanding the Changing Mix of Containment, Repression, Co-optation, and Coercive Distribution," Asian Survey, vol. 63, no. 4 (2023): pp. 557–583. With Peter Ward. 


"Social (Im)mobility and Bureaucratic Failings: Family Background and the Sŏngbun System in North Korea," Journal of Korean Studies, vol. 28, no. 1 (2023): 111–137. 



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