Graduate Studies

The goal of the graduate program in the Department of Asian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is to introduce students to advanced knowledge about the culture, history, language, society, politics and various other aspects of East and South Asian countries: China, Japan, and India & Indonesia. As part of their MA studies, students will specialize in the same geographical region (China, Japan, or India and Indonesia) they chose for their BA studies. MA students will participate in advanced seminars, guided reading classes, and other courses from within and outside the department upon approval from the MA advisor.

The Department of Asian Studies currently offers an English-language graduate program in the China section only. For information, see the link.

For information about graduate studies in the Non-Research Program see the link.

For information about graduate studies in the Research Program see the link.

For registration to the MA Program, please press the link.



For further information, please consult the following Graduate Program advisors:


India-Indonesia Section: Prof. Ronit Ricci (


China Section: Prof. Michal Biran


Japan Section: Dr. Danny Orbach (