I received my B.A. (1995), M.A. (1999), and Ph.D. (2009) degrees from the Department of Asian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. During the years of my graduate study, I taught Chinese language, history, philosophy and literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv University and the University of Haifa. I gave public lectures on different aspects of Chinese culture and actively participated in a number of academic conferences in Israel and abroad. My current research interests are focused on Confucian thought of the 11th through 17th centuries, with a special emphasis on the religious dimension of Confucianism.
Katz, Sophia. “The Philosophical Poetry of the Chinese Thinker, Wang Fuzhi (1619-1692)” (in Hebrew). Master’s thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1999 (Magna cum Laude).
“Jinian Luo Dimu” 纪念罗迪牧 [In memory of Rotem], in Wo yu Beijing: waiguoren zhengwen, yanjiang bisai youxiu zuopin xuanji 我与北京: 外国人征文, 演讲比赛优秀作品选集 [Beijing and me: the excellent works from “Beijing and me” writing and speech competition by foreigners]. Beijing: Zhongguo heping, 2003.
“The Poetry of Unrestrained Sageliness: Shao Yong and a Tradition of Ruist Philosophical Mysticism.” PhD diss., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2009.
“Tradition of Ruist Unrestrainedness: Zeng Dian, Shao Yong and Chen Xianzhang (6th c. BCE – 15th c. CE),” in Raoul D. Findeisen, Gad C. Isay, Amira Katz-Goehr, Yuri Pines and Lihi Yariv-Laor, eds., At Home in Many Worlds: Reading, Writing, and Translating from Chinese and Jewish Cultures. Essays in Honour of Irene Eber. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009, pp. 69-79.
“From Observing to Listening: The Intellectual/Spiritual Path of Shao Yong as Reflected in the Yichuan jirangji,” Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies, forthcoming in Vol. 61 (2013).
“The Way of Silent Realization: Ineffability and Rationality in the Philosophical Mysticisms of Śankara and Zhan Ruoshui,” in Ithamar Theodor and Zhihua Yao, eds. Brahman and Dao: Comparative Studies of Indian and Chinese Philosophy and Religion. Lexington Books, forthcoming 2013.
A section on Tang poetry in Yuri Pines and Gideon Shelach (Yitzhak Shichor, Chief Editor), Kol Asher mi-takhat le-shamaim: Tuldot Ha-Keisarut Ha-Sinit [All under heaven: the history of imperial China (in Hebrew)], Vol. 2. Raanana: The Open University Press, forthcoming 2013.