Prof. Andrew Plaks


1. Secondary:

G.W. Hewlett High School, Hewlett, New York (1962)

Honors:  Valedictorian of graduating class

2. Undergraduate:

 Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, A.B. 1967, Department of Oriental            


  Honors:  University Scholar,  Phi Beta Kappa, graduated summa cum laude

3. Supplementary:

Inter-university Program for Chinese Language Studies in Taipei, National Taiwan University (1964-65)

  Professional study of education, Hunter College (1968)

  Intensive Chinese language training, Columbia University (1963)

4. Doctorate:

Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, Ph.D. 1973, Department of East Asian Studies

Honors:  Woodrow Wilson Fellowship (1967-68), Princeton National Fellow (1967-68)

National Defense Foreign Language Fellow (1971-73)

5. Language skills:

Academic fluency: Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese, Russian, Hebrew, French

Speaking and reading: Hungarian, Romanian, Yiddish, Modern Greek, Arabic, Turkish, Italian

Reading only: Latin, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, German, Norwegian, Swedish



III. Professional experience


             1.Teaching positions:

                 1968-71      New York City Board of Education, P.S. 30 in Lower Manhattan

Duties: teacher of common branches, assigned to classes of newly

                                       arrived Chinese-speaking students


                 1973 -         Princeton University, Department of East Asian Studies, Associate

                                        Professor (1976), Full Professor (1980), Emeritus Professor (2007)


                                    Courses taught:


   Introduction to Chinese Literature

   The Chinese (Confucian) Classics: A Comparative Approach

                                       The Chinese Novel

   Comparative Approaches to Non-Western Narrative

   Graduate seminars on various specialized subjects in Chinese and            

                                           Comparative Literature


                 Administrative responsibilities:


   Departmental Representative: 1973-76, 1989-91

   Director of Graduate Study: 1976-78, 1985-86, 2002-3

   Acting Chairman: 1987-88


                   2009-12    Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of East Asian Studies

                                     ('teken hanasi')


                 2. Visiting Professor:


                Tel-Aviv University, Department of Comparative Literature (fall, 1976, 1995-            


                Tokyo University, Department of Comparative Literature and Culture (spring,


                Beijing University, Institute of Comparative Literature (spring, l989, spring    


                Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of East Asian Studies (spring,

                    l980, fall, l988, fall, 1992, 1994 through 2008)

                       Chinese University of Hong Kong, Comparative Literature (spring, 1993)

                       University of Toronto, Department of East Asian Studies (spring 2010)

                       New York University, Department of East Asian Studies (spring 2010, 2011)

                       University of California at Berkeley, Department of East Asian Studies (spring    




         3. Service to profession:

                       ACLS, Joint Committee on Chinese Studies, subcommittee on Chinese Literature


               CLEAR (Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews), Editorial Board

                        Princeton University Press, Princeton Library of Asian Translations, Advisory


               Sino-Judaic Institute, Board of Directors

                         “The Four Books:” Project Coordinator for series of Hebrew translations, Mosad


                      Referee for fellowship and grant applications: National Endowment for the

                          Humanities, Committee for Scholarly Communication with the People’s  

                          Republic of China, American Council of Learned Societies, etc.


            4. Professional consulting:

                    Editor of Ancient Literature unit of Adventures in World Literature, Harcourt,

                        Brace, Jovanovich: preparation of teachers' manual

             "Chinese Civilization: Change and Continuity, the T'ang," Student and Faculty


            University of Washington (formerly Yale University) Press, Classics of Chinese         

                 Thought (see 'Current Projects')


            5· Grants and awards:

                    National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Stipend, 1974

                    National Endowment for the Humanities, Fellowship for Independent Study and

                        Research, 1976-77

                    American Council of Learned Societies, Grant for Research in Chinese   

                        Civilization, 1980

                    Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China,

                        National Academy of Sciences, National Program for Advanced Study and

                        Research in China, 1984-85, 1989

        Joseph Levenson Prize for best book on pre-twentieth century China, Association               

            for Asian Studies, 1989

                    Lady Davis Fellowship, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1992



            6. Other academic experience abroad:


              Japan: 1964 (language study); 1977, 84, 85, 86 (research)

              Taiwan:  1964-65 (language study), 1975, 79, 80, 86 (conferences), 1993 (lecture), 2006, 2009 (lectures, conference), 2011 lectures

              Hong Kong:1977 (research); 1989 (conference); 1993 (lectures); 2004  (conference), 2005    

                      China: 1984-85 (research); 1986 (conference); 1989 (research); 1993 (lectures,

               conferences, and publication project), 1997,2001, 2002, 2006, 2009 (conferences)

                      Soviet Union: 1982 (research and conference)

                      Hungary: 1976 (conference)

                      Greece: 1980 (language study)

                      Italy: 1982 (research), 2001 (conference)

                      France: 1965 (language study); 1976, 83, 87, 90 (research)

                      England: 1976, 83, 87 (research), 2009 (conference)

            Netherlands: 1987 (research)

            Romania: 1991 (lecture)

           Norway:  1995 (conference), 1999 (study group, Institute for Advanced

                         Studies, Oslo)

                     Sweden: 2005 (Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study)                   

                     Korea: 1993 (lecture), 2001 (conference)

                     India: 2005 (textual study)


            7. Current and Ongoing Projects


                   "Classics of Chinese Thought" (50-volume series of fully-annotated

translations of classical Chinese texts), University of Washington Press  (orig.Yale University Press), General Editor    

          The Chung-yung: new analysis of text and commentaries, and reappraisal of its

                        position in Chinese literary and intellectual history

          The problem of uncreated matter and the conception of an uncreated universe in

                        Chinese and Western philosophical texts

                   Mid-Ch'ing fiction: critical studies of neglected 17th-19th century works

           The Gest Library "cheating robe" and its relation to theory and practice of imperial             

                        examination essays

                    Comparative studies of classical exegesis on scriptural/philosophical texts

                     The Gongyang and Guyang commentarial traditions on the Chunqiu classic