The China Section at the Asian Studies Department offers outstanding students an opportunity to participate in an intensive Chinese language course, which takes place during the summer break in Jilin university, the city of Changchun, Jilin Province, Northeast China.
The course is organized by the Asian studies Department and the Confucius Institute at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It aims to give BA-level Chinese language students an opportunity to improve their speaking, hearing and reading capabilities in an immersive setting. Participants are divided into groups according to their level and studies are conducted in small groups. In addition to the language lessons, students also participate in various cultural activities. The course is academically supervised by Ms. Lin Qian, the senior Chinese language teacher at the Asian Studies Department.
Scholarships for the Chinese Language Summer School may be available for a limited number of outstanding students. For further information concerning the Chinse Language Summer School, please contact the Confucius Institute at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.