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Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China


Pines, Yuri, Paul R. Goldin, and Martin Kern, eds. 2015. Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China. Bilingual Edition. Leiden: Brill Academic Pub.
Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China


Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China explores ancient Chinese political thought during the centuries surrounding the formation of the empire in 221 BCE. The individual chapters examine the ideology and practices of legitimation, views of rulership, conceptualizations of ruler-minister relations, economic thought, and the bureaucratic administration of commoners.

The contributors analyze the formation of power relations from various angles, ranging from artistic expression to religious ideas, political rhetoric, and administrative action. They demonstrate the interrelatedness of historiography and political ideology and show how the same text served both to strengthen the ruler’s authority and moderate his excesses. Together, the chapters highlight the immense complexity of ancient Chinese
political thought, and the deep tensions running within it.

Last updated on 11/16/2022