The Boundaries of Obedience in the Japanese Army
Prof. Danny Orbach
Hebrew U
11/01/2023 - WED 16:30 - Room 5318
Between 1870 and 1945, the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy provided uniquely broad legal protection to subordinates who perpetrated crimes under the orders of military superiors. Not only were those who obeyed their superiors in breaching international law provided with legal immunity – so were soldiers who violated under orders standing legislation of the Japanese Army. This gave rise to a so-called “paradox of obedience”: while disobedience among officers was rampant, their subordinates were expected to unquestionably obey their orders, even in rebellion against the Japanese government. This mix of blatant disobedience to the system at large on the one hand, and blind obedience to immediate superiors on the other, was a remarkable feature of the Imperial Japanese armed forces. Drawing on law codes, court cases and judiciary writings, This presentation explores how this “paradox of obedience” encouraged mutinies as well as atrocities, especially in the 1930s and during the Asia-Pacific War.