Louis Frieberg Center International Travel Support (ITS) in the field of East Asian Studies (2021-22)

The Louis Frieberg Center for East Asian Studies offers financial assistance for MA students, Doctoral candidates, and post-Doctoral scholars who plan to travel abroad in June 2022-September 2022 for the purpose of conference participation or short-term research in the field of East Asian studies (specifically, but not confined to Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Mongolian studies).

Support for conference travel will be offered to applicants who present a research paper, chair a session, and/or organize a panel in an international scientific event such as a conference/ seminar/ symposium/ workshop, etc. in the field of East Asian Studies.

Support will be in the sum of up to 1,000 USD for conference travel, and up to 3,000 USD for a short-term research trip. A researcher can be granted only one ITS grant a year.

Eligibility: Doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers registered at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2021-22. Advanced MA students registered at HU in 2021-22 are also encouraged to apply.

Applications should be submitted electronically by April 24, 2022 to: the Frieberg Center (eacenter@mail.huji.ac.il) with a copy to the center's director, Dr. Orna Naftali (orna.naftali@mail.huji.ac.il).

Your application should include the following:

1. A detailed explanation of the need to travel abroad. When requesting support for travel to a conference, please provide the details of the conference, title and abstract of your presentation/ panel, and confirmation from the organizers that your presentation/panel had been accepted. When requesting support for a research trip, please provide a detailed explanation of the purpose and destination of the trip and a detailed research plan. Please note how the trip will advance your studies and research at the Hebrew University.

2. A detailed budget of the trip, including an invoice of the flight ticket (economy class) and a copy of hotel reservations, if relevant.

3. A CV + list of publications (no longer than 3 pp.).

Candidates whose application will be approved should acknowledge the Frieberg Center

support in any publication that may derive from the conference or research trip. An e-copy of the

publication that derived from the Center’s support will be submitted to the Frieberg Center.

For questions and further information, please contact eacenter@mail.huji.ac.il and/ or visit our website at https://eacenter.huji.ac.il/